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Utility Products
Electrical Grids are an essential service, faced with increasing demands on existing infrastructure. These include increased adoption of distributed solar generation, electric vehicle charging and to the demand for greater capacity to meet the energy needs of a modern environmentally concerned world.

PF-ONEs line of compensating meters on the grid-edge provide: an adaptive communication free power quality solution, with no control wiring nor setup required.

Utility Series World

PF-ONE World Meter Series of Grid-Edge Compensation and Meter devices. These models feature; 2.4KVar to 15KVar Compensation, 120-240VAC single, or 3 phase (Y-N) 50/60Hz. All models are natural air convection, NO FANS. Standard WiFi interface is provided with options for LoRa, ZigBee, Celluar, etc (custom options are also available). Standard LCD displays are provided with options for epaper or oled. All units can be cascaded to increase compensation, simply add units in series, no control wiring or setup needed.
Models range in compensation from 2.4 KVar (10Arms reactive) to 10.0 KVar (40Arms reactive) continuous.

Many additional options are possible, if you have custom needs please contact us.

Utility Series North America

PF-ONE North American Series of Grid-Edge Compensation and Meter devices. These models feature; 2.4KVar to 15KVar Compensation, 120-240VAC single, or 3 phase (Y-N) 50/60Hz. All models are natural air convection, NO FANS. Standard WiFi interface is provided with options for LoRa, ZigBee, Celluar, etc (custom options are also available). Standard LCD displays are provided with options for epaper or oled. All units can be cascaded to increase compensation, simply add units in series, no control wiring or setup needed.

Many additional options are possible, if you have custom needs please contact us.
“PF-ONE the Grid Made Real”!